Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica


Issue I 2019 | Vol. 23

Minorities in East-Central Europe throughout the Twentieth Century

15 June 2019


Editor: Sorin Arhire

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Valer Moga – Omul și profesorul – La aniversare / Valer Moga - The Man and the Teacher - On the Anniversary

Eva Mârza

Minorities from East-Central Europe in the Twentieth Century: A Retrospective

Sorin Arhire

Studies and articles
„Fuga lolelor” din Agnita – transfer de funcționalitate și de semnificații / Transfer of Functionality and Meanings within the Celebration of the Escape of the Lole from Agnita

Hannelore Baier, Ramona Besoiu and Sorin Radu

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Ethnic Identities Face to Face: Serbian and Romanian Minorities from the Banat between History and Memory

Simona Adam and Mircea Măran

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Post-Pogrom Research Processes Cited in Documents and Newspapers Published in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries

Halida Umbarova

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The United States and National Self-Determination of Minorities in the ‘Russian Space,’ 1914–1920

Vladimir Romanov

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Between the Front Line and the Rear: The Position of the Jewish Evacuees of the First World War in Eastern Siberia in the Russian Empire

Tatyana Kattsina, Ludmila Mezit

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Canada and the Problem of Protection of Minorities in the League of Nations

Nataliia Zhukovskaya

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The Legal Status of Russian Refugees in Turkey in the 1920s

Kezban Acar

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The Industrial School for Jewish Girls, Sambir (1925–1939): A Local Institutional Description

Mykola Haliv, Vasyl Ilnytskyi

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The Censorship Praxis and the Press Law in the First Czechoslovak Republic and the German and Hungarian Minorities

Lukáš Novotný, Andrej Tóth

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The Governing of Patriarch Miron Cristea and His Policy toward Jews: The Attitude of Great Britain

Sorin Arhire

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Situația din Transilvania de Nord în ultimele luni ale anului 1940 în viziunea Consulatului German din Cluj / The Situation in Northern Transylvania in the Last Months of 1940 According to the German Consulate in Cluj

Ottmar Trașcă

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German Catholics as a Minority in the Catholic Church of Polish Silesia after 1945

Maik Schmerbauch

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The Ethnic Displacements of Ukrainians and Ruthenians in Eastern Europe after the End of the Second World War and Their Influence on the UPA and OUN Movements

Tomáš Řepa

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Re-Negotiating the Public Image of Gypsy Musicians in the Polish Everyday Press of the Communist Period

Anna G. Piotrowska

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Aspecte referitoare la statutul social al minorităților în timpul regimului comunist din România / Aspects Regarding the Social Status of Minorities during the Communist Regime in Romania

Eleonora-Maria Popa

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Accommodation of Minorities in Nation-States during the Twentieth Century: The Turkish Minority in Bulgaria and the Policies of Communist Rule between 1945 and 1989

Nuri Korkmaz, Serpil Güdül

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Prima Alba Iulia – „Manifestul” de la Darnița din 13/26 aprilie 1917 / The First Alba Iulia - "The Manifesto" from Darnița of 13/26 April 1917

Constantin I. Stan

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