Biały Potok Cemetery Revisited

Przemysław Makarowicz and Marzena Szmyt

Since 1925, the Archaeological Museum in Poznań, Poland, has housed a collection of materials relating to excavation conducted by Professor Józef Kostrzewski in Biały Potok (presently Bilyi Potik, Ternopil region, Ukraine). His brief research uncovered parts of three houses from a Trypillia culture settlement dated to the fourth millennium BC, as well as chronologically subsequent graves: one double (grave I-II) and two single (grave III and grave IV). The newest analysis of grave forms and pottery, along with the radiocarbon dates, certify the inhomogeneity of funeral features in Biały Potok. The graves, which were previously considered to date from the same period, in fact represent three horizons in the use of this place: the twentyeight to twenty-seventh centuries BC (the Globular Amphora culture - grave III), the twentieth to the nineteenth centuries BC (‘post-Globular Amphora’ or the early Komarów culture - grave IV) and the seventeenth to sixteenth centuries BC (the classic Komarów culture - grave I-II).

Podolia, third millennium BC, second millennium BC, Globular Amphora culture, Komarów culture.