Author Maria Frinc, Assistant Research, The Institute of History „George Barițiu” of Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca; Documentarian, TRANS.SCRIPT- The Centre for Diplomatic and Medieval Documentary Palaeography, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

The places of authentication are one of the most important types of institution of Medieval Hungary in the issuing of charters. The archives of these institutions are an essential source for understanding the past, because they comprise many documents issued by the secular and ecclesiastical courts referring to various subjects. One of these institutions is the Convent of Cluj-Mănăștur. The Convent of Cluj-Mănăștur’s archive is kept partly at the Batthyaneum Library, in Alba Iulia, Romania, and another part is kept at the Hungarian National Archives, in Budapest. The present study contains inventory of medieval charters (thirteenth-fourteenth centuries) from the Convent of Cluj-Mănăștur’s archive, kept at the Batthyaneum Library. The main aim of this study is to facilitate the access of researchers to the original charters from the Batthyaneum Library by making a correspondence between the reference codes of the Batthyaneum Library and the Hungarian National Archives.

Place of Authentication, Convent of Cluj-Mănăștur, Batthyaneum Library, Archive, Medieval Charters.

[1] Susana Andea, Lidia Gross, Adinel-Ciprian Dincă, eds., DRH-C 17, doc. 119.

[2] Francisc Pall, “Diplomatica latină cu referire la Transilvania (sec. XI-XV)” [Latin Diplomatic Regarding to Transylvania (11th-15th Centuries)], in Documente privind Istoria României. Introducere [Documents Regarding Romanian History: Introduction], vol. 2 (București: Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Române, 1956), 291-293; Susana Andea, “Preambulul actelor în practica scrierii” [Documents’ Preamble in Writing Praxis], in Susana Andea, ed., Scris și societate în Transilvania secolelor XIII-XVII [Writing and Society in Transylvania, 13th-17th Centuries] (Cluj-Napoca: Argonaut, 2013), 18-27.

[3] M. T. Clanchy, From Memory to Written Record: England 1066-1307 (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell Press, 2013), 83-89; Sigismund Jakó, “Începuturile scrisului în păturile laice din Transilvania medievală (unele probleme noi ale paleografiei latine)” [The Beginnings of Writing in the Secular Society of Medieval Transylvania (Some New Problems of Latin Palaeography)], in Studii și Cercetări de Istorie  VII, no. 1-4 (January-December, 1956): 84-86; Martyn Rady, Nobility, Land and Service in Medieval Hungary (London: Palgrave Press, 2000), 62-64; Susana Andea, “Actul scris și valoarea lui probatorie în practica judiciară din Transilvania (sec. XIII-XIV)” [The Written Document and Its Probative Value in Judicial Practice in Transylvania (13th-14th Centuries)], AIICN hist. 53 (2014): 199-212.

[4] Francisc Pall, “Contribuții la problema locurilor de adeverire din Transilvania medievală (sec. XIII-XV)” [Contributions to the Problem of Place of Authentication in Medieval Transylvania], SMIM 2 (1957): 393-402; Lidia Gross, “Locuri de adeverire din spațiul transilvan (secolele XIII-XVI). Studiu de caz: Conventul premostratens din Dealul Orăzii” [Place of Authentication of Transylvanian Area (13th-16th Centuries). Case Study: The Premostratensian Convent of Dealul Orăzii], AIICN hist., Supplement, 58 (2019): 108-111; Rita-Magdolna Bernád, “Locurile de adeverire din Transilvania” [The Places of Authentication of Transylvania], AAM II (IV) (2013): 10-12; Rady, Nobility, Land and Service in Medieval Hungary, 66-78; Károly Vekov, Locurile de adeverire din Alba Iulia (secolele XIII-XVI) [The Places of Authentication of Alba Iulia (13th-16th Centuries)] (Cluj-Napoca: CST & Gloria Press, 2003), 82-107; Gergely Kiss, “La culture juridique des clercs dans le Royaume de Hongrie sous les rois angevins au XIVe siècle”, Belvedere Meridionale 27, no. 2 (2015): 26-27; Mihai Safta, “Prolegomana la studiul guvernării prin actul scris – Locus credibilis și evoluția chirografelor” [Prolegomena to the Study of Governance Through the Written Word – Locus credibilis and the Evolution of the Chirographs], Studia iu. no. 3 (2016): 101-102; Zsolt Hunyadi, “Administering the Law: Hungary’s Loca Credibilia”, in Martyn Rady, ed., Custom and Law in Central Europe (Cambridge: Centre for European Legal Studies Press, 2003), 26-35; István Balló, “A hiteleshelyek néhány kérdése hazánk okleveles gyakorlatában (XIII-XIV század)” [Some Questions regarding the Places of Authentication in our Country’s Diplomatics, 13th-14th centuries], Turul 4 (1994): 118-119; György Bónis, “A közhitelesség szervei Magyarországon és a magyar hiteleshelyi levétlárak” )” [The Institutions of Public Authentication in Hungary and the Archives Pertaining to Hungarian Places of Authentication], LS-B 14 (1964): 125-131.

[5] DRH-C 13, doc. 271, 297, 578; DRH-C 14, doc. 91, 269; DRH-C 15, doc. 54; DRH-C  16, doc. 4, 240.

[6] DRH-C 13, doc. 16, 160, 281; DRH-C 14, doc. 38; DRH-C 15, doc. 115; DRH-C 16, doc. 227; DRH-C 17, doc. 227, 233.

[7] DRH-C 13, doc. 190, 577; DRH-C 15, doc. 39, 132; DRH-C 16, doc. 141, 218; DRH-C 17, doc. 372.

[8] DRH-C 13, doc. 416, 478, 517; DRH-C 14, doc. 236, 417; DRH-C 15, doc. 17, 45, 65, 178, 215, 427, 470; DRH-C 16, doc. 53, 399, 443; DRH-C 17, doc. 52, 179.

[9] DRH-C 13, doc. 69, 151; DRH-C 14, doc. 103, 378; DRH-C 15, doc. 74, 84; DRH-C 16, doc. 273; DRH-C 17, doc. 389.

[10] DRH-C 17, doc. 186, 191, 272, 378, 403, 504; DRH-C 16, doc. 386, 460, 470, 496; DRH-C 15, doc. 78, 111, 124, 134; DRH-C 14, doc. 127; DRH-C 13, doc. 28, 37, 44, 117, 174.

[11] Balló, “A hiteleshelyek néhány kérdése”, 122-123; Gábor Sipos, “A kolozsmonostori konvent hiteleshelyi működése” [The Activity of the Cluj-Mănăștur Convent as a Place of Authentication], Művelődéstörténeti tanulmónyok (1979): 33.

[12] Bernád, “Locurile de adeverire”, 19-20; Rita Magdolna Bernád, “Organizarea și funcționarea Arhivei capitulare de Alba Iulia” [The Organisation and Function of the Chapter’ Archive from Alba Iulia], RA 90, no. 1-2 (2013): 100-101; Sipos, “A kolozsmonostori konvent”, 33-34, 37-38.

[13] Sipos, “A kolozsmonostori konvent”, 38-50; István Harsányi, “A kolozsmonostori konvent elismervénye 1424-ből” [The Receipt of Cluj-Mănăștur Convent from 1424], Irodalomtörténet, no. 1 (1912): 467.

[14] János Jerney, A magyarországi káptalanok és konventek mint hielmes és hiteles helyek töténete [The History of the Hungarian Chapters and Convents as Seal-Bearers and Places of Authentication] (Pest, 1855), 101-102; Sipos, “A kolozsmonostori konvent”, 47; Alexandru Ștefan, Sigiliile și practicile sigilare ale locurilor de adeverire din Transilvania și comitatele învecinate în secolele XIII-XIV [The Seals and the Sealing Practices of the Places of Authentication in Transylvania and its Neighbouring Counties in the 13th-14th Centuries] (Cluj-Napoca: Mega, 2021), 118-127, 185-204, 247-249; Andrei-Alexandru Ștefan, “An Unknown Seal of the Convent of Cluj-Mănăștur”, Studia hi. 62, no. 1 (June 2017): 1-10; Imre Takács, “A kolozsmonostori konvent pecsétnyomója 1575-ból” [The Seal Matrix of the Convent of Cluj-Mănăștur from 1575], Korunk, no. 7 (2001): 21-26; Imre Takács, A magyarországi káptalanok és konventek középkori pecsétjei [The Medieval Seals of the Hungarian Chapters and Convent] (Budapest: MTA Művészettörténeti Kutató Intézet, 1992), 69-70.

[15] Zsigmond Jáko, “A Kolozsmonostori apátság hamis oklevelei” [False Charters of the Cluj-Mănăștur Abbey], Levéltári Közlemények 55, no. 2 (1984): 111-138.

[16] Lajos Csomor, A Kolozsmonostori benczés apátság és birtokai 1556-ig [The Benedictine Abbey of Cluj-Mănăștur and its Properties until 1556] (Kolozsvár, 1912); Emőke Gálfi, “Transylvanian Places of Authentication and Ecclesiastical Intellectuals in the Middle Ages”, Trans R 21, Supplement, no. 2 (2012): 147-149; Sipos, “A kolozsmonostori konvent”, 44-46.

[17] Sipos, “A kolozsmonostori konvent”, 43-44.

[18] Károly Tagányi, “A Kolozsmonostori konvent könyvtára 1427-ben” [The Library of the Convent of Cluj-Mănăștur in 1427], Magyar Könyvszemle 14, no. 1-4 (1889): 88-91.

[19] Zsolt Bogdándi, “Remarks on the Activity of the Cluj-Mănăștur Place of Authentication in the Age of the Transylvanian Principality”, Trans R 21, Supplement, no. 2 (2012): 155-162; Zsolt Bogdándi, “A kolozsmonostori konvent fejedelemségkori hiteleshelyi tevékenysége (XVI-XVII. század)” [The Activity of the Cluj-Mănăștur Convent as a Place of Authentication in the Principality of Transylvania (16th-17th centuries)] (PhD thesis, Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, 2011); Attila Sunkó, A Gyulafehérvári Káptalan és a Kolozsmonostori Konvent Levéltárának műkődésére vonatkozó iratok [Documents regarding the Operation of the Archives Pertaining to the Chapter of Alba Iula and the Convent of Cluj-Mănăștur] (Budapest: Lymbus, Magyarság-tudományi forrásközlemények, 2003), 75-110.

[20] This practice is also found in other institutions. See: Adinel C. Dincă, “Urban Literacy in Medieval Transylvania”, in Susana Andea et al., eds., Between Public and Private: Writing Praxis in Transylvania during the XIII-XVII Centuries (Cluj-Napoca: Argonaut Publishing; Gatineau: Symphologic Publishing, 2016): 151-157.

[21] Károly Vekov, “Despre evidența documentelor în cadrul locului de adeverire din Alba Iulia” [About the Record of the Charters in the Place of Authentication in Alba Iulia], in Susana Andea, Ioan-Aurel Pop, eds., Pe urmele trecutului: Profesorului Nicolae Edroiu la 70 de ani [In the Footsteps of the Past: To Professor Nicolae Edroiu at 70 Years Old] (Cluj-Napoca: Academia Română. Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2009): 104-106, 110-112; Balló, “A hiteleshelyek néhány kérdése”, 120.

[22] DRH-C 13, doc. 258, 269, 466; DRH-C 14, doc. 77; DRH-C 16, doc. 8, 20.

[23] DRH-C 13, doc. 265, 360, 397, 425; DRH-C 14, doc. 21, 288; DRH-C 16, doc. 39, 194.

[24] DRH-C 15, doc. 328; 404, 406, 415; DRH-C 16, doc. 162, 231.

[25] Andrei Kiss, “Caracterul specific al locurilor de adeverire din Transilvania în crearea și păstrarea arhivelor feudale” [The Specific Character of the Places of Authentication in Transylvania in the Creation and Preservation of Feudal Archives], in Gheorghe Asanache, Lucia Mărcuș, eds., In memoriam Ion Mărcuș (București: Institutul Victor Babeș, 1979): 64-66; Katalin Szende, “The Uses of Archives in Medieval Hungary”, in Anna Adamska, Marco Mostert, eds., The Development of Literate Mentalities in East Central Europe (Turnhout: Brepols, 2004): 110-114, 122-123.

[26] Gross, “Locuri de adeverire”, 111-113.

[27] Zsigmond Jakó, “A kolozsmonostori konvent jegyzőkönyvei (1289-1556)” [The Protocols of the Cluj-Mănăștur Convent], vol. I (1289-1484) (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1990), 96.

[28] Bernád, “Organizarea și funcționarea Arhivei capitulare de Alba Iulia”, 105-113; Sunkó, A Gyulafehérvári Káptalan, 75-76.

[29] Rita Magdolna Bernád, “Organizarea și funcționarea Arhivei capitulare de Alba Iulia (II)” [The Organisation and Function of the Chapter’ Archive from Alba Iulia (II)], RA 91, no. 1-2, (2014): 28-29.

[30] Bernád, “Organizarea și funcționarea Arhivei capitulare de Alba Iulia”, 99-100; Bernád, “Organizarea și funcționarea Arhivei capitulare de Alba Iulia (II)”, 31-32; János Lakos, György Rácz, “Istoria arhivisticii maghiare” [The History of Hungarian Archive], in Zsuzsanna Arany Magyar, László Á. Varga, Géza Cseh et al., Ghidul Fondurilor și Colecțiilor arhivistice privitoare la Transilvania anterioare anului 1918/1919, 17. Arhivele comitatelor Bichiș, Bihor, Cenad, Sătmar, Arhivele districtului Chioar și fonduri arhivistice păstrate în alte arhive din Ungaria. Repertoriu [The Guide of Archives Funds and Collections Regarding Transylvania Before 1918/1919. 17. Archives of Bichiș, Bihor, Cenad, Sătmar Counties, Archives of Chioar District and Archival Funds Kept in Other Archives in Hungary. Repertory] (București: Arhivele Naționale ale României; Budapesta: Arhivele Naționale ale Ungariei, 2017), 11-15; Bónis, “A közhitelesség szervei magyarországon”, 136-137.

[31] Magyar Történelmi Tár 3, vol. 19 (1896): 483-504, 718-736; vol. 20 (1897): 339-360, 496-512, 733-748; vol. 21 (1898): 151-166, 343-356, 532-555, 653-669.

[32]  Beke. In the annex, I will refer to the book published at Budapest in 1898, but the document numbers are the same as those published in the Magyar Történelmi Tár journal.

[33] Ileana Dârja, “Din istoria bibliotecii „Batthyaneum”. Etapa I: 1798-1826” [From the History of the “Batthyaneum” Library. Stage I: 1798-1826], Apulum 34 (1997): 341-365; Ileana Dârja, “Din istoria bibliotecii naționale a României filiala „Batthyaneum” din Alba Iulia. Etapele II-IV (1826-1961)” [From the History of the National Library of Romania, the “Batthyaneum” branch in Alba Iulia: Stage II-IV (1826-1961)], Apulum 43 (2007): 497-511; Bernád, “Organizarea și funcționarea Arhivei capitulare de Alba Iulia (II)”, 35-37.

[34], accessed in 16.01.2023.

[35] MNL, DF 275191, 275200, 275176.

[36] Ileana Dârja, “Colecțiile arhivistice și muzeale ale bibliotecii naționale a României filiala „Batthyaneum” din Alba Iulia” [The Archival and Museum Collection of the National Library of Romania, the “Batthyaneum” branch in Alba Iulia], Gând Românesc 1, no. 3 (2007): 103.

[37] Beke, no. 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 20, 21, 30, 32, 33, 50.

[38] Beke, no, 22, 45.

[39] Annex, no. 25, 45, 48.

[40] The charters are kept at the Batthyaneum Library in lad. 82/no. 42.

[41], accessed in 16.01.2023.

[42] Andreea Mârza, “Incunabulele bibliotecii Batthyaneum din Alba Iulia: Date referitoare la cercetarea colecției” [The Incunabula of the Batthyaneum Library in Alba Iulia: Data Concerning the Research of the Collection], AIICN hist. 61 (2022): 219-234; Andreea Mârza, “Fragment din bula Ezechielis Prophete (22 oct 1463) pe un pergament din fondurile bibliotecii „Batthyaneum” [Fragment of the Ezechielis Prophete Bull (22 October 1463) on a Parchment from the “Batthyaneum” Library], Apulum, Series Historia et Patrimonium 49, 2 (2012): 247-257; Elemér Varjú, “A Gyulafejérvári Batthyány-könyvtár” [The Batthyány Library of Alba Iulia], Magyar Könyvszemle 7, no. 1 (1899): 134-175, 209-243, 329-345; 8, no. 1 (1900): 17-30, 131-169, 228-249, 338-361; 9, no. 1 (1901): 24-52; Antal Beke, Index manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Batthyanianae Transsylvanieinsis (Károlyfehérvár, 1871); Petrus Kulcsár, Catalogus incunabulorum Bibliothecae Batthyányanae (Szeged: Szegedi Nyomda, 1965); Robert Szentiványi, Catalogus concinnus librorum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Batthyányanae (Szeged, 1958).

[43] Mihai Kovács, “Csete Lőrinc, László vajda és az erdélyi egyház kapcsolata egy kiadatlan oklevél tükrében” [The Relationship between Lőrinc Csete, Voivode László and the Transylvanian Church in the Light of an Unpublished Document], Turul 2 (2016): 91-98; Mihai Kovács, “Un caz de numire a arhidiaconilor de Hunedoara în prima parte a secolului al XVI-lea” [Designating the Archdeacons of Hunedoara in the First Part of the 16th Century: A Case-Study], Banatica 2, no. 29 (2019): 31-40; Alexandru Ștefan, “Contribuții documentare și sigilare la istoria medievală a orașului Alba Iulia” [Diplomatic and Sigillographic Contributions to the Medieval History of Alba Iulia], SMIM 39 (2021): 177.

[44] Transs. in the charter issued by the voivode of Transylvania, Blasius Magyar, in 1473.07.17.

[45] Copy in the protocol of the Convent of Cluj-Mănăștur.

[46] Edition: Beke, no. 312.

[47] Transs. in the charter issued by the bishop of Transylvania, Andreas, in 1325. 05.11. Edition: DIR-C XIII/2, no. 462; CDTrans I, no. 535; Beke, no. 2.

[48] The charter is damaged at the fold and for this reason is impossible to know the whole date. The date is established according to another document which is kept at the Batthyaneum Library, lad. 76/ no. 115; MNL. DF 275165.

[49] Transs. in the charter issued by the voivode of Transylvania, Nicolaus, in 1368.06.12. Edition: DIR-C XIII/2, no. 512; CDTrans I, no. 583; Beke, no. 3.

[50] Summary in the charter issued by the voivode of Transylvania, Stephanus, in 1347.03.24. Edition: DIR-C XIII/2, no. 512; CDTrans I, no. 583; Beke, no. 3.

[51] Transs. in the charter issued by the vice-voivode of Transylvania, Georgius of Bala and Stephanus Janosy, in 1447.10.16. Edition: Beke, no. 4.

[52] Transs. in the charter issued by the vice-voivode of Transylvania, Georgius of Bala and Stephanus Janosy, in 1447.10.16. Edition: Beke, no. 5.

[53] Transs. in the charter issued by the bishop of Transylvania, Dominicus, in 1364.01.29. Edition: DIR-C XIV/2, no. 314; CDTrans II, no. 518; Beke, no. 8.

[54] Edition: DIR-C XIV/4, no. 60; CDTrans III, no. 76; Beke, no. 12.

[55] Edition: DIR-C XIV/4, no. 64; CDTrans III, no. 81; Beke, no. 13.

[56] Edition: DIR-C XIV/4, no. 115; CDTrans III, no. 113; Beke, no. 14.

[57] Edition: DIR-C XIV/4, no. 155; CDTrans III, no. 142; Beke, no. 15.

[58] Transs. in the charter issued by the voivode of Transylvania, Stephanus, in 1347.03.24. Edition: DIR-C XIV/4, no. 499; CDTrans III, no. 370; Beke, no. 16.

[59] Edition: DIR-C XIV/4, no. 511; CDTrans III, no. 377; Beke, no. 17.

[60] Transs. in the charter issued by the voivode of Transylvania, Nicolaus, in 1368.06.12. Edition: DIR-C XIV/2, no. 481; CDTrans III, no. 375; Beke, no. 18.

[61] For the setting of date see: János Karácsonyi, “Mikor és kik kezdették építeni a kolozsvári Szent Mihály- egyházat?” [When and Who Started Building the Church of Saint Michael in Cluj?], Pásztortűz 11, no. 6 (March 22, 1925): 118-120 and the editions of the charter. Edition: DIR-C XIV/4, no. 600; CDTrans III, no. 441; Beke, no. 63; KvOkl I, no. 66, 104-106.

[62] Transs. in the charter issued by the voivode of Transylvania, Dionisius, in 1364.06.14. Edition: DIR-C XIV/4, no. 621; CDTrans III, no. 464; Beke, no. 19.

[63] The charter is just a marginal note on the document issued by the bishop of Verissa, Gregorius, archbishop of Vence, Guilielmus, bishop of Vence and so on, in 1348.02.11-1349.01.28. Edition: DIR-C XIV/4, no. 790; CDTrans III, no. 565*.

[64] Transs. in the charter issued by the convent of Cluj-Mănăștur, in 1783.03.08. Edition: DRH-C X, no. 267; CDTrans III, no. 764; Beke, no. 22.

[65] Edition: DRH-C X, no. 267; CDTrans III, no. 775; Beke, no. 23.

[66] Edition: DRH-C XI, no. 47; CDTrans III, no. 863; Beke, no. 24.

[67] Edition: DRH-C XI, no. 49; CDTrans III, no. 865; Beke, no. 25.

[68] Transs. in the charter issued by the chapter of the Alba Iulia, in 1357.02.26. Edition: DRH-C XI, no. 77; CDTrans III, no. 878; Beke, no. 26.

[69] Edition: DRH-C XI, no. 89; CDTrans III, no. 888; Beke, no. 27.

[70] Transs. in the charter issued by the chapter of Alba Iulia, in 1358.05.03. Edition: DRH-C XI, no. 233; CDTrans III, no. 989.

[71] Edition: DRH-C XI, no. 267; CDTrans III, no. 1010; Beke, no. 28.

[72] Transs. in the charter issued by the chapter of Alba Iulia, in 1359.12.21. Edition: DRH-C XI, no. 427; CDTrans III, no. 1101; Beke, no. 29.

[73] Transs. in the charter issued by the chapter of Alba Iulia, in 1359.12.21. Edition: DRH-C XI, no. 427; CDTrans III, no. 1101; Beke, no. 29.

[74] Transs. in the charter issued by the vice-voivode of Transylvania, Johannes de Swerch, in 1 July-6 October 1398. Edition: DRH-C XI, no. 436; CDTrans III, no. 1110.

[75] Transs. in the charter issued by the chapter of Alba Iulia, in 1391.07.29. Edition: DRH-C XI, no. 436; CDTrans III, no. 1110; Beke, no. 31.

[76] Edition: DRH-C XI, no. 535; CDTrans IV, no. 75; Beke, no. 34.

[77] Copy from the 1783.06.14. Edition: DRH-C XII, no. 154; CDTrans IV, no. 188; Beke, no. 35.

[78] Edition: DRH-C XII, no. 229; CDTrans IV, no. 252; Beke, no. 36.

[79] Edition: DRH-C XII, no. 265; CDTrans IV, no. 280; Beke, no. 37.

[80] Edition: DRH-C XII, no. 278; CDTrans IV, no. 290; Beke, no. 38.

[81] Edition: DRH-C XII, no. 283; CDTrans IV, no. 293; Beke, no. 39.

[82] Transs. in the charter issued by the judges of Cluj county, in 1366.04.28. Edition: DRH-C XIII, no. 32; CDTrans IV, no. 425; Beke, no. 40.

[83] Transs. in the charter issued by the judges of Turda county, in 1366.04.30. Edition: DRH-C XIII, no. 32; CDTrans IV, no. 426; Beke, no. 41.

[84] Edition: DRH-C XIII, no. 36; CDTrans IV, no. 434; Beke, no. 42.

[85] Edition: DRH-C XIII, no. 38; CDTrans IV, no. 437; Beke, no. 43.

[86] Transs. in the charter issued by the convent of Cluj-Mănăștur, in 1367.06.14. Edition: DRH-C XIII, no. 237; CDTrans IV, no. 607; Beke, no. 44.

[87] Transs. in the charter issued by the convent of Cluj-Mănăștur, in 1783.11.29. Edition: DRH-C XIII, no. 244; CDTrans IV, no. 607; Beke, no. 45.

[88] Edition: DRH-C XIII, no. 273; CDTrans IV, no. 646; Beke, no. 46.

[89] Edition: DRH-C XIII, no. 328; CDTrans IV, no. 698; Beke, no. 47.

[90] Summary in the charter issued by the voivode of Transylvania, Emericus, in 1372.04.13. Edition: DRH-C XIII, no. 340; CDTrans IV, no. 708.

[91] Summary in the charter issued by the voivode of Transylvania, Emericus, in 1372.04.13.

[92] Transs. in the charter issued by the king of Hungary, Sigismundus of Luxemburg, in 1412.08.25. Edition: CDTrans IV, no. 897.

[93] Summary in the charter issued by the voivode of Transylvania, Emericus, in 1372.04.13. Edition: DRH-C XIII, no. 463; CDTrans IV, no. 801.

[94] Edition: DRH-C XIII, no. 550; CDTrans IV, no. 878; Beke, no. 48.

[95] Edition: DRH-C XIV, no. 88; CDTrans IV, no. 958; Beke, no. 49.

[96] Edition: DRH-C XIV, no. 122; CDTrans IV, no. 989; Beke, no. 51.

[97] Edition: DRH-C XIV, no. 123; CDTrans IV, no. 990; Beke, no. 52.

[98] Edition: DRH-C XIV, no. 288; CDTrans V, no. 71; Beke, no. 53.

[99] Transs. in the charter issued by the chapter of Alba Iulia, in 1375.02.14. Edition: DRH-C XIV, no. 364; CDTrans V, no. 117; Beke, no. 54.

[100] Edition: DRH-C XIV, no. 380; CDTrans V, no. 126; Beke, no. 55.

[101] Edition: DRH-C XV, no. 307; CDTrans V, no. 414; Beke, no. 56.

[102] Edition: DRH-C XV, no. 444; CDTrans V, no. 514; Beke, no. 57.

[103] Edition: DRH-C XV, no. 507; CDTrans V, no. 580; Beke, no. 58.

[104] Edition: DRH-C XVI, no. 166; CDTrans V, no. 675; Beke, no. 59.

[105] Edition: DRH-C XVI, no. 348; CDTrans V, no. 785; Beke, no. 60.

[106] Transs. in the charter issued by the chapter of Alba Iulia, in 1385.09.05. Edition: DRH-C XVI, no. 470; CDTrans V, no. 844; Beke, no. 61.

[107] Edition: DRH-C XVI, no. 472; CDTransV, no. 846; Beke, no. 62.

[108] The charter is just a marginal note on the document issued by the bishop of Verissa, Gregorius, archbishop of Vence, Guilielmus, bishop of Vence and so on, in 1348.02.11-1349.01.28.

[109] Edition: DRH-C XVII, no. 76; CDTrans V, no. 891; KvOkl I, no. 66, 106.

[110] Edition: Beke, no. 64.

[111] Transs. in the charter issued by the chapter of Alba Iulia, in 1392.05.27. Edition: Beke, no. 65.

[112] Edition: Beke, no. 66.

[113] Edition: Beke, no. 67.

[114] Edition: Beke, no. 68.

[115] Edition: Beke, no. 69.

[116] Transs. in the charter issued by the chapter of Alba Iulia, in 1396.10.11. Edition: Beke, no. 70.

[117] Edition: Beke, no. 71.

[118] The charter is just a marginal note on the document issued by the bishop of Verissa, Gregorius, archbishop of Vence, Guilielmus, bishop pf Vence and so on, in 1348.02.11-1349.01.28.

[119] Edition: Ub III, no. 1395; KvOkl I, no. 66, 106.

[120] Edition: Beke, no. 72.