15 December 2022
This study presents the situation in the parish schools of Ung County, Kingdom of Hungary, in the years 1721-1734, 1746-1747, 1774-1784, 1864 and 1916. After Francis II Rákóczi’s uprising (1703-1711) and the plague epidemic (1709-1710), Ung County was inhabited by new citizens. The parish network was disrupted for all confessions and, in the case of Roman Catholics, built anew. The Reformed Church partially kept the original network of parishes and schools that had been disrupted by re-Catholization. The Uniates and the Catholics did not have a functioning education system; this was built from scratch in the eighteenth century. The Latin Church created religious schools only gradually; up until the mid-eighteenth century, schools could only be found in the centre of the county. Many schools existed for only a limited time and were subsequently discontinued. By the end of the eighteenth century, however, it was possible to find a school in almost every parish.
In the nineteenth century many of the larger parishes and, as a result, primary education was made available to a greater number of children. Schools operated by the Uniates, and later by the Greek Catholics, evolved differently. Based on decrees from that period, it appears there were many schools before the Rákóczi uprising; by the time it had finished, in 1711, the school network had been disrupted. Some schools were partially renewed but many ceased to exist.
The biggest problem of the Uniate school system was funding, since the Catholic Church demanded that land owners take on patronage rights and create foundations to pay for a teacher and the parish school. At the end of the eighteenth century, the number of schools was still low but slowly growing. The fastest growth was noted in the nineteenth century; by the second half of the century there were more Greek Catholic schools than any other confession. Reformed Church schools were the only ones that maintained their continuity with the period before 1711. Various decrees passed in Hungary caused development to stagnate, although this changed again following the Patent of Toleration.
One key issue when considering schools is the teachers. In this paper, we focus particularly on teachers and their language identity, exploring how this changed throughout the study period. We also briefly examine the subjects taught by teachers and the construction of dedicated school buildings at the end of the period in question.
[1] Liber Ecclesiae seu matricula Dioecesis Ungensis, Kgg. IV. 5, Tiszáninneni Református Egyházi Levéltár Sárospatak [Tiszáninnen Reformed Church Archives Sárospatak] (hereafter: TiREL); István Baán, “Problemi di disciplina ecclesiastica – tentativi di soluzione: i sacerdoti ‘bigami’,” in Tamás Véghseő, ed., Da Roma in Hungaria. Atti del convegno nel terzo centenario della morte di Giovanni Giuseppe De Camillis, vescovo di Munkács / Mukačevo (1689-1706) (Nyíregyháza: Szent Atanáz Görögkatolikus Hittudományi Főiskola, 2009), 231-232, 235.
[2] Józef Leskó, Adatok az egri egyházmegye történelméhez [Data for the History of the Diocese of Eger], IV (Eger: Nyomatott az érseki lyceumi nyomdában, 1908), 305.
[3] Ladula BB-CC, Ladula GG-HH, box 10 (Ung), census of 1715, N 78, Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár [Hungarian National Archives] (hereafter: MNL).
[4] Conscriptio ecclesiarum et parochiarum in Cottu Ung, 1733, Visitatio Canonica (hereafter: VC), Szatmári Püspöki és Káptalani Levéltár [Szatmári Episcopal and Chapter Archives] (hereafter: SPKL).
[5] Conscriptio ecclesiarum et parochiarum in Cottu Ung, 1733, VC, SPKL.
[6] Ung, 1734, VC, SPKL.
[7] Ung, 1734; Ung, 1746, VC, SPKL.
[8] Ladula BB-CC, Ladula GG-HH, box 10 (Ung), census of 1715; Ladula DD-EE, Ladula JJ-KK, Ung, census of 1720, N 79, MNL.
[9] Baán, “Problemi di disciplina,” 231-232, 235.
[10] Conscriptio ecclesiarum et parochiarum in Cottu Ung, 1733, VC, SPKL.
[11] 4 Наджупан Ужанської жупи, м. Ужгород Угорського королівства [Ispán of Ung County, Uzhhorod, Kingdom of Hungary], (4)/2, 1647, Державний архів Закарпатської області – ДАЗО [Sovereign Archives of the Transcarpathian Region] (hereafter: DAZO).
[12] Liber Ecclesiae seu matricula Dioecesis Ungensis, Kgg. IV. 5, TiREL.
[13] Ibid.
[14] Ibid.; Conscriptio ecclesiarum et parochiarum in Cottu Ung, 1733, VC, SPKL.
[15] Annamária Kónyová and Peter Kónya, Kalvínska reformácia a reformovaná cirkev na východnom Slovensku v 16. - 18. Storočí [The Calvinist Reformation and the Reformed Church in Eastern Slovakia in the 16th-18th Centuries] (Prešov: Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity, 2010), 98.
[16] Ung, 1746, VC, SPKL.
[17] Ibid.
[18] Ibid.
[19] Ibid.
[20] Ibid.
[21] Ibid.; Tamás Véghseő and Szilveszter Terdik, Források a magyarországi görögkatolikus parókiák történetéhez. Az 1747. évi javadalom-összeírás [Sources for the History of Greek Catholic Parishes in Hungary. The Census of 1747] (Nyíregyháza: Szent Atanáz Görögkatolikus Hittudományi Főiskola, 2015), 57-120.
[22] Ung, 1746, VC, SPKL; Véghseő and Terdik, Források a magyarországi, 57-120.
[23] 151 Правління Мукачівської греко-католицької єпархії, м. Ужгород [Management of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Diocese, Uzhhorod] (151)/1 1042, DAZO.
[24] Ung, 1746, VC, SPKL; Liber Ecclesiae seu matricula Dioecesis Ungensis, Kgg. IV. 5, TiREL.
[25] Ung, 1746, VC, SPKL; Liber Ecclesiae seu matricula Dioecesis Ungensis, Kgg. IV. 5, TiREL.
[26] Liber Ecclesiae seu matricula Dioecesis Ungensis, Kgg. IV. 5, TiREL.
[27] Tyba, 1774, VC, SPKL; Eor, 1774, VC, SPKL; Dobo Ruszka, 1774, VC, SPKL; Szenna, 1774, VC, SPKL; Vinna, 1774, VC, SPKL; Ungvár, 1774, VC, SPKL; Felsodomonya, 1774, VC, SPKL; Kis Rath, 1774, VC, SPKL; Paloc, 1774, VC, SPKL.
[28] Tyba, 1774, VC, SPKL; Eor, 1774, VC, SPKL; Dobo Ruszka, 1774, VC, SPKL; Szenna, 1774, VC, SPKL; Vinna, 1774, VC, SPKL; Ungvár, 1774, VC, SPKL; Felsodomonya, 1774, VC, SPKL; Kis Rath, 1774, VC, SPKL; Paloc, 1774, VC, SPKL; Ung, 1746, VC, SPKL.
[29] Dobo Ruszka, 1774, VC, SPKL; Felsodomonya, 1774, VC, SPKL.
[30] Eor, 1774, VC, SPKL.
[31] Tamás Véghseő et al., eds., Források a magyarországi görögkatolikus parókiák történetéhez. A munkácsi egyházmegye parókiarendezési iratai 1782-1787. 4. Ung vármegye [Sources for the History of the Greek Catholic Parishes in Hungary. Parish Planning Documents of the Diocese of Mukachevo 1782-1787. 4. County of Ung] (Nyíregyháza: Szent Atanáz Görögkatolikus Hittudományi Főiskola, 2017), 27-624.
[32] 151/6 243, DAZO; 151/6 251, DAZO; 151/6 252, DAZO; 151/6 1191, DAZO; 151/6 1196, DAZO; 151/6 1197, DAZO.
[33] 151/6 243, DAZO; 151/6 251, DAZO; 151/6 252, DAZO; 151/6 1191, DAZO; 151/6 1196, DAZO; 151/6 1197, DAZO; Lukás Rendek and Peter Jambor, Cestou hľadania Formácia bohoslovcov v Prešovskom biskupstve v rokoch 1818-1968 [On the Way of the Search Formation of Theologians in the Prešov Diocese in the Years 1818-1968] (Poprad: Tlačiarne Poprad, 2021), 94-96.
[34] 151/6 2241, DAZO; 151/6 2242, DAZO.
[35] Tyba, 1774, VC, SPKL; Eor, 1774, VC, SPKL; Dobo Ruszka, 1774, VC, SPKL; Szenna, 1774, VC, SPKL; Vinna, 1774, VC, SPKL; Ungvár, 1774, VC, SPKL; Felsodomonya, 1774, VC, SPKL; Kis Rath, 1774, VC, SPKL; Palocz, 1774, VC, SPKL; Liber Ecclesiae seu matricula Dioecesis Ungensis, Kgg. IV. 5, TiREL.
[36] Tyba, 1774, VC, SPKL; Eor, 1774, VC, SPKL; Dobo Ruszka, 1774, VC, SPKL; Szenna, 1774, VC, SPKL; Vinna, 1774, VC, SPKL; Ungvár, 1774, VC, SPKL; Felsodomonya, 1774, VC, SPKL; Kis Rath, 1774, VC, SPKL; Palocz, 1774, VC, SPKL; Liber Ecclesiae seu matricula Dioecesis Ungensis, Kgg. IV. 5, TiREL.
[37] Schematismus venerabilis cleri Szathmáriensis ad annum Jesu Christi 1864 (Szathmárini: Ludovici Mayer, 1864), 233-245, 276-277.
[38] Schematismus venerabilis cleri graeci ritus catholicorum dioecesis Munkácsiensis pro anno Domini 1864 (Unghvárini: Typis Caroli Jager, s.a.), 148-190.
[39] Kgg.IV.11, TiREL; Tiszáninneni evangyéliomi reformált egyházkerűlet névkönyve 1863 [Name Book of the Tiszáninnen Evangelical Reformed Church District, 1863] [Iskolákra vonatkozó statisztikai táblázatok – Statistical Tables for Schools] (Sárospatak: Nyomtatta Forster Rezső a Ref. főiskola betűivel, 1863), 40-43.
[40] 151/2 2791, DAZO.
[41] 7 Піджупан Ужанської жупи, м. Ужгород Угорського королівства [Deputy Count of Ung County, Uzhhorod, Kingdom of Hungary], (7)/4 2116, DAZO.
[42] 7/4 2116, DAZO.
[43] Ibid.
[44] Ibid.
[45] A Szatmári egyházmegye róm. kath. közoktatási intézetei az 1916. évben [The Roman Catholic Public Education Institutes of the Diocese of Satu Mare in 1916] (Szatmár-Németi: Pázmány-Sajtó, 1916), 14, 16; Martin Javor, Budišovci. Život a dielo Andreja Budiša ml. a Andreja Budiša st. [Budišovci. Life and Work of Andrej Budiš Jr. and Andrej Budiš Sr.] (Prešov: Vydavateľstvo Prešovskej univerzity, 2019), 197-199.
[46] 5 Адміністративна комісія Ужанської жупи, м. Ужгород [Administrative Commission of Ung County, Uzhhorod] / inventory 1 39, DAZO; 5/1 2475, DAZO.
[47] UNG, May 13, 1900.
[48] Kgg.IV.11, TiREL; Tiszáninneni evangyéliomi reformált egyházkerűlet névkönyve 1863; 4/7 1450, DAZO.
[49] 7/4 2116, DAZO.
[50] Schematismus venerabilis cleri Szathmáriensis ad annum Jesu Christi 1864, 233-245, 276-277; Schematismus venerabilis cleri graeci ritus catholicorum dioecesis Munkácsiensis pro anno Domini 1864, 148-190; Kgg.IV.11, TiREL; Tiszáninneni evangyéliomi reformált egyházkerűlet névkönyve 1863, 40-43.
[51] 7/4 2116, DAZO; A Szatmári egyházmegye róm. kath. közoktatási intézetei az 1916. évben, 14, 16.