Archaeometric Analyses of Transylvanian Metal Artefacts. Case Study: The Scythian Necropolis of Sâncrai (Alba County)

15 December 2021

Author Gabriel Balteș, 1 Decembrie University of Alba Iulia
Author Mihai Gligor, 1 Decembrie University of Alba Iulia
Co-author Ioana D. Dulamă, Valahia University of Târgoviște
Co-author Cristiana Rădulescu, Valahia University of Târgoviște
Co-author Sofia Teodorescu, Valahia University of Târgoviște
Co-author Raluca M. Știrbescu, Valahia University of Târgoviște
Co-author Ioan A. Bucurică, Valahia University of Târgoviște
Co-author Sorina G. Stănescu, Valahia University of Târgoviște

The Scythian necropolis of Sâncrai (Alba County) was investigated in 2016, which led to the discovery of 95 burials (inhumation and cremation). The study of the tombs revealed a rich funerary inventory, composed mainly of ceramic vessels of different shapes and sizes; weapons such as akinakes daggers, spearheads, and arrowheads; ornaments including amber beads, kauri shells, kaolin, earrings, loop rings, saltaleoni type bracelets, and clothing appliqués; and harness elements, including horsehair and quiver appliqués. The purpose of this paper is to describe the archaeometric analyses of metal pieces recovered from this site.

A combination of non-invasive/micro-destructive analytical techniques (optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectrometry, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy), and statistical methods (cluster analysis, using SPSS Statistics) was used to obtain comprehensive information about the studied metal artefacts. In this respect, 16 metallic samples were investigated to establish the samples' defects as well as their elemental and molecular composition. Overall, the analytical and statistical analyses show us that the metallic samples can be split into three groups based on composition: iron, copper-tin/bronze, and gold-silver. In these groups, samples present a strong correlation, suggesting that they were created using similar minerals.

Iron age, Sâncrai Scythian necropolis, metal artefacts, grave goods, archaeometry, optical microscopy, SEM-EDS, ATR-FTIR

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List of illustrations

Fig. 1. Google Maps capture showing the geographical location of Sâncrai necropolis (in red).

Fig. 2. Map with topographical distribution of excavated burials at Sâncrai necropolis.

Fig. 3. Studied samples: a) axe (S1); b) akinakes dagger (S2); c) akinakes dagger (S3); d) arrowhead (S4); e) hair ring (S5); f) propeller-shaped pendant (S6); g) saltaleoni bracelet fragment (S7); h) bead (S8); i) ring with 4 protuberances (S9); j) quiver applique (S10); k) belt dispenser (S11); l) horse-bit (S12); m) clothing appliqué (S13); n) fibula (S14); o) clothing appliques, 2 pieces: S15 (left) and S16 (right).

Fig. 4. Sample S1: a) Optical microscopy image (10X); b) SEM image (3 kX).

Fig. 5. Sample S2: a) Optical microscopy image (10X); b) SEM image (5 kX).

Fig. 6. Sample S3: a) Optical microscopy image (40X); b) SEM image (5 kX); c) SEM image (3 kX,, d) SEM image (3.5 kX).

Fig. 7. Sample S4: a) Optical microscopy image (100X); b) SEM image (2.5 kX).

Fig. 8. Sample S5: a) Optical microscopy image (40X); b) SEM image (3 kX).

Fig. 9. Sample S6: a) Optical microscopy image (40X); b) SEM image (2 kX).

Fig. 10. Sample S7: a) Optical microscopy image (100X); b) SEM image (6 kX).

Fig. 11. Sample S8: a) Optical microscopy image (100X); b) SEM image (3 kX).

 Fig. 12. Sample S9: a) Optical microscopy image (40X); b) SEM image (1.5 kX).

Fig. 13. Sample S10: a) Optical microscopy image (10X); b) SEM image (2.2 kX).

Fig. 14. Sample S11: a) Optical microscopy image (100X); b) SEM image (3 kX).

Fig. 15. Sample S12: a) Optical microscopy image (40X); b) SEM image (5 kX).

Fig. 16. Sample S13: a) Optical microscopy image (100X); b) SEM image (6 kX).

Fig. 17. Sample S14: a) Optical microscopy image (40X); b) SEM image (800 X).

Fig. 18. Sample S15: a) Optical microscopy image (10X); b) SEM image (9 kX).

Fig. 19. Sample S16: a) Optical microscopy image (100X); b) SEM image (5 kX).

Fig. 20. Principal component analysis.

Fig. 21. Cluster analysis.