The Methods of Internal Criticism of Written Sources in the Works of Ukrainian Historians: On the Example of Scientific Narratives on the History of Education (1840s-1930s)

15 December 2021

Author Mykola Haliv, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University
Author Vasyl Ilnytskyi, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University

The article presents the results of the study of the methodology of internal critique of written sources used by Ukrainian historians in the second half of the XIX - the first half of the XX century who worked on the history of education. The authors state that in Ukrainian historical science there is no synthesized study of the methodology of internal critique of written sources that was used by the researchers of the history of education.

It is investigated that during the second half of the XIX - the first half of the XX century, Ukrainian scholars gradually improved the internal critique of the sources. In the first half of the XIX century, Ukrainian historians mostly used documents rather uncritically, "extracting" from them information about the past without proper verification. It was often made without regard to the author's position of the source, the explanatory and rhetorical layer of the document. But since the 1850s, the understanding of the need to delve into the text of the source and comprehend the position of the author of the historical document has been established in Ukrainian historical science critically.

It was found that Ukrainian historians of education almost did not apply internal criticism to the so-called "official" sources on the history of education (legislation, statutes of educational institutions, reporting documentation of educational authorities, minutes of meetings of pedagogical or academic councils, etc.). These documents were not in doubt, especially, if they concerned the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. On the other hand, Ukrainian scholars have shown the ability to prove the authenticity of the evidence of a written historical document both by analyzing only its content and by comparing the content of this source with other sources. The article proves that in the second half of the XIX - first half of the XX century, Ukrainian historians most often used the following procedures among the methods of internal criticism of the written source to determine the authenticity of a historical document: by indicating the specifics of the document; by analyzing the author's ability to reflect reality adequately;  by analyzing the motives of the author by confirming the information from one source related to the previous location, chronologically, thematically and ideologically;  through the use of logical and epistemological procedures.

Ukrainian historians of education, critique of sources, historical document, methodology, positivism

[1] Charles-Victor Langlois, Charles Seignobos,Vvedenie v izuchenie istorii [Introduction to the Study of History], 2nd ed. (Moskva: Gosudarstvennaya Publichnaya Istoricheskaya Biblioteka Rossii, 2004).

[2] Ernst Bernheim, Einleitung in die Geschichtswissenschaft (Leipzig: G. J. Göschen, 1907); Idem, Lehrbuch der historischen Methode und der Geschichtsphilosophie (Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1908). 

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[5] Christopher Behan McCullagh, Justifying Historical Descriptions (Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984).

[6] Martha Howell and Walter Prevenier, From Reliable Sources: An Introduction to Historical Methods (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2001).

[7] Philipp Müller, “Understanding History: Hermeneutics and Source-Criticism in Historical Scholarship,” in Miriam Dobson and Benjamin Ziemann, eds., Reading Primary Sources. The Interpretation of Texts from Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century History (London: Routledge, 2009): 21-36.

[8] Aleksandr Lappo-Danylevskyi. Metodologyia istorii [Methodology of History], 2nd ed. (Moskva: Izdatelskiy Dom Teritoria Budushchego, 2006).

[9] Ivan Krypiakevych, “Narysy metodyky istorychnykh doslidzhen” [Essays on the Methodology of Historical Research], Ukrainskyi Istorychnyi Zhurnal 2 (1967): 100-106; 3 (1967): 113-115; 4 (1967): 106-108; 7 (1967): 121-123; 8 (1967): 113-116; 9 (1967): 130-132; 10 (1967): 94-97.

[10] Mykola Kovalskyi, “Nekotorye problemy teorii i metodiki istorycheskogo istochnikovedenia” [Some Problems of the Theory and Methods of Historical Source Study], accessed 30.10.2020,

[11] Anatoliy Santsevych, Metodika istoricheskogo issledovania [Historical Research Methodology] (Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1990).

[12] Viacheslav Strelskyi, Teoryia i metodika istochnikovedenyia istorii SSSR [Theory and Methodology of Source Study of the History of the USSR] (Kyiv: Vyshcha Shkola, 1968).

[13] Olena Bogdashyna, Pozytyvizm v istorychnii nautsi v Ukraini (60-ti rr. XIX – 20-ti rr. XX st.) [Positivism in Historical Science in Ukraine (60ies of the XIX - 20ies of the XX Century)] (Kharkiv: Apostrof, 2010).

[14] Iryna Kolesnyk, Ukrainska istoriohrafiia: kontseptualna istoriia [Ukrainian Historiography: Conceptual History] (Kyiv: Instytut Istorii Ukrainy NAN Ukrainy, 2013).

[15] Mykola Haliv, “Krytyka pysemnykh dzherel v istoryko-pedahohichnykh pratsiakh Ivana Franka” [Critique of Written Sources in the Ivan Frankoʼs Historical and Pedagogical Works], Visnyk Zhytomyrskoho Derzhavnoho Universytetu imeni Ivana Franka 4 (2016): 51-55.

[16] Olga Vladyha, “Mykhailo Hrushevskyi yak arkheohraf (ohliad dzherel)” [Mykhailo Hrushevskyi as an Archeographer (A Review of the Sources)], Skhidnoievropeiskyi Istorychnyi Visnyk / East European Historical Bulletin 4 (2017): 36-41.

[17] Nikolai Lavrovskyi, O pedagogicheskom znachenii sochynenii Ekateriny Velikoi [On the Pedagogical Significance of the Catherine the Greatʼs Works] (Kharkiv: V Universytetskoi Tipohrafii, 1856), 7, 102; Idem, “Vasylyi Nazarevych Karazin i otkritie Kharkovskago universiteta” [Vasiliy Nazarevich Karazin and the Opening of Kharkiv University], Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnago Prosveshchenyia СLIX (1871): 218, 223; Idem, Zamechanyia o pervonachalnoi istorii Kharkovskago universiteta [Remarks on the Initial History of Kharkiv University] (s.n., s.a.), 20; Idem, Gimnazia vysshykh nauk kn. Bezborodko v Nezhine (1820-1832 g.) [The Prince Bezborodko Higher Sciences Gymnasium in Nizhyn (1820-1832)] (Kyiv: Tipohrafyia M. P. Frytsa, 1879), 19.

 [18] Lavrovskyi, Gimnazia vysshykh nauk, 164.

[19] Ibid., 43.

[20] Artemiy Gotalov-Gotlib, “O khrestomatyiakh po istorii pedagogiki (Kritiko-metodologicheskyi ocherk)” [On Textbooks on the History of Pedagogy (Critical-Methodological Essay)], Zapisky Odeskoho Instytutu Narodnoi Osvity 1 (1927): 263-264.

[21] Ivan Fylypchak, “Shkilnytstvo na Lemkivshchyni. Istorychnyi narys” [Schooling in the Lemko Region. A Historical Essay], Shliakh Vykhovannia i Navchannia 2 (1939): 97.

[22] Stepan Golubev, Kievskaia Akademia v kontse XVII i nachale XVIII stol. [Kiev Academy in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries] (Kyiv: Tipographia I. I. Gorbunova, 1901), 34-35.

[23] Lavrovskyi, Zamechanyia, 26-27.

[24] Amvroziy Androkhovych, “Lvivske “Studium ruthenum”” [Lviv “Studium ruthenum”], Zapysky Naukovoho Tovarystva imeny Shevchenka СXХXІІ (1922): 195.

[25] Mykhailo Vozniak, “Shkola Uspenskoho Bratstva u Lvovi (U 350-littia ii povstannia)” [School of the Assumption Brotherhood in Lviv (On the 350th Anniversary of Its Uprising)], Shliakh Vykhovannia y Navchannia 3 (1936): 129.

[26] Ibid., 129.

[27] Mychailo Linchevskyi, “Pedagogiia drevnikh bratskykh shkol i preimushchestvenno drevnei Kievskoi Akademii” [Pedagogy of Ancient Brotherly Schools and Mainly of the Ancient Kyiv Academy], Trudy Kievskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii 7 (1870): 104-154; 8 (1870): 437-500; 9 (1870): 535-588.

[28] Dmytro Bagaliy, Opyt istorii Kharkovskogo universiteta (po neizdannym materialam) [Experience in the History of Kharkiv University (Based on Unpublished Materials)], vol. 1 (Kharkiv: Parovaya Tipographia y Litographia Zilberberga, 1893-1898), vol. 2 (Kharkiv: Parovaya Tipographia y Litographia M. Zilberberga y Synovya, 1904).

[29] Oleksandr Panasiuk, Istoricheskii ocherk nachalnogo obrazovaniia v g. Kamenets-Podolsk [Historical Outline of Primary Education in Kamenets-Podolsk] (Kamenets-Podolsk: Tipo-Litohrafiia L. Landvigera, 1904).

[30] Stepan Tomaszewski, “Pogląd na rozwój Gimnazyum Brzeżańskiego (1789-1905). Część druga” [A Look at the Development of Berezany Gymnasium (1789-1905). Part Two], in Sprawozdanie dyrekcyi c.k. Gimnazyum wyższego w Brzeżanach za rok szkolny 1906 [Report of the Directorate of the Higher Gymnasium in Berezany for 1906] (Brzeżany: Nakładem funduszu szkolnego, 1906), 63-105.

[31] Ilarion Svientsitskyi, “Shkilna osvita dukhovnykh kandydativ v rr. 1756-1788” [School Education of Candidate Priests in the Years 1756-1788],  Ukrainsko-Ruskyi Arkhiv IV (1909): 1-9; Idem, “Shkilni zaniatia Petra Bilianskoho” [Petro Bilyanskyʼs School Classes], Zapysky Naukovoho Tovarystva imeni Shevchenka CVII (I) (1911): 115-119.

[32] Mychailo Hrushevskyi, Kulturno-natsionalnyi rukh na Ukraini v XVI-XVII vitsi [Cultural and National Movement in Ukraine in the 16th-17th Centuries] (Kyiv-Lviv: Drukarnia S. V. Kulzhenko, 1912); Idem, Istoriia ukrainskoi literatury [History of Ukrainian Literature], 2nd ed., vol. 6 (Kyiv: Lybid’, 1995).

[33] Hanna Shamrai, “V starorezhymnii shkoli i naokolo nei (Opovidannia A. Soltanovskoho, promyneni pry vydanniu 1892-4 rr.)” [In and Near the Old-Regime School (A. Soltanovsky’s Stories, Omitted During the Publication of 1892-4)], Ukraina. Naukovyi Dvokhmisiachnyk Ukrainoznavstva 5 (1926): 90-114.

[34] Ivan Krypiakevych, “Uchytel Bohdana Khmelnytskoho (Andrii Hontsel Mokrskyi)” [Teacher for Bohdan Khmelnytsky (Andriy Honzel Mokrsky)], Zapysky Naukovoho Tovarystva imeny Shevchenka СXХХІІІ (1922): 27-38.

[35] Oleksandr Nazarevskyi, “Yuvilei Kyivskoho universytetu i studentski zakoloty 1884 roku” [Anniversary of the Kyiv University and the Student Uprisings in 1884], Za sto lit. Materialy z hromadskoho y literaturnoho zhyttia Ukrainy XIX i pochatkiv XX stolittia 2 (1928): 224-250;   Idem, ““Bereznevyi rukh” kyivskykh studentiv r. 1878” [“March Movement” of Kyiv Students in 1878], Za sto lit. Materialy z hromadskoho y literaturnoho zhyttia Ukrainy XIX i pochatkiv XX stolittia 3 (1928): 102-122.

[36] Henadiy Zhurakovskyi, “Do pytannia pro dzherela osvitnoi diialnosty staroi Kyivskoi Hromady” [On the Question of the Sources of Educational Activities of the old Kyiv Community], Zapysky Kyivskoho Instytutu Narodnoi Osvity IV (1930): 125-136.

[37] Henadiy Zhurakovskyi, Ocherky po istorii antichnoi pedagogiki [Essays on the History of Ancient Pedagogy] (Moskva: Gossudarstvennoe Izdatelstvo Narkomprosa RSFSR, 1940), 342-343.

[38] Israel Hait, “Pro istorychnu nepravdu i istorychnu pravdu” [On Historical Untruth and Historical Truth], Komunistychna Osvita 3 supl. (1936): 30.

[39] Nikolai Lavrovskyi, O drevne-russkykh uchylyshchakh [About Ancient Rusʼ Schools] (Kharkiv: Pechatano v Universitetskoi Tipohrafii, 1854), 20.

[40] Ibid., 22-23.

[41] Ibid., 23-26.

[42] Pavlo Lukianovych, “K voprosu ob Ostrozhskoi shkole (XVI v.)” [On the Question of the Ostroh School (Sixteenth Century)], Volynskiia Eparkhialnyia vedomosti 23-24 (1881): 776-777.

[43] N. P. [Nikolai Petrov], “Kievskaia Akademia v pervoi polovine XVIII stoletiia” [Kiev Academy in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century], Kievskaia starina 2 (II) (1904): 83-84.

[44] Stepan Golubev, Neskolko stranits iz noveishei istori Kievskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii [A Few Pages from the Recent History of the Kyiv Theological Academy] (Kyiv: Typ. I. I. Horbunova, 1907), 61.

[45] Ibid.

[46] Oleksandr Nazarevskyi, “Do istorii vyshchoi zhinochoi osvity na Ukraini (Z zhyttia kyivskykh zhinochykh kursiv 70-80-kh rr.)” [To the History of Higher Women’s Education in Ukraine (From the Life of Kyiv Women’s Courses of the 1870s-80s)], Zhyttia i Revoliutsiia 4 (1927): 114-115.

[47] Tomaszewski, Pogląd na rozwój Gimnazyum Brzeżańskiego, 66-67.

[48] Ibid., 67.

[49] Ibid.

[50] Lavrovskyi, Zamechanyia o pervonachalnoi istorii, 3.

[51] Dmytro Bagaliy, Ocherkiiz russkoi istoriy. T. 1. Stati po istoriy prosveshchenyia [Essays on Russian History. Vol. 1. Articles on the History of Education] (Kharkiv: Tipohrafia Pechatnoe Delo, 1911), 24.

[52] Ibid., 24-29.

[53] Hryhoriy Maksymovych, Obuchenie hramote i voinskoi ekzertsitsiy v Staroi Malorossiy v kontse XVIII veka [Teaching Literacy and Military Exercise in Old Malorossia at the End of the Eighteenth Century] (Kyiv: Tipohrafiia T. H. Meinandera, 1913), 12-13.

[54] Stepan Golubev, “Gedeon Odorskyi (byvshyi rektor Kievskoi Akademii v nachale XVIII stol.)” [Gedeon Odorskyi (Former Rector of the Kiev Academy in the Early Eighteenth Century)], Trudy Kievskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii 12 (1900): 601.

[55] Nikolai Petrov, Kievskaia akademiia vo vtoroi polovyne XVII veka [Kyiv Academy in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century] (Kyiv: Tipographia H. T. Korchak-Novitskago, 1895), 8-9.

[56] Idem, “Kievskaia Akademiia v tsarstvovanie imperatritsy Ekateriny II (1762-1796 gg.)” [Kiev Academy in the Reign of Empress Catherine II (1762-1796)], Trudy Kievskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii 7 (1906): 453-494; 8-9 (1906): 582-609.

[57] Mychailo Maksymovych, “O pervykh vremenakh Kievskago Bogoiavlenskago bratstva” [About the First Fimes of the Kiev Epiphany Brotherhood], Trudy Kievskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii 3 (1869): 349-386.

[58] Yakiv Shulhyn, “Neskolko dannykh o shkolakh v pravoberezhnoi Ukraine v polovine XVIII v.” [Various Data on Schools in Right-Bank Ukraine in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century], Kievskaia Starina XXXIV (1891): 97-118.

[59] Oleksiy Markevych, Dvadtsatypiatyletie Imperatorskago Novorossiiskago universiteta. Istoricheskaia zapiska. Akademicheskie spiski [Twenty-Five Years of the Imperial Novorossiysk University. Historical Note. Academic Lists] (Odessa: Ekonomicheskaia Tipohrafiia Odesskago Vestnika, 1890).

[60] Konstantin Kharlampovych, “Ostrozhskaia pravoslavnaia shkola. Istoriko-kriticheskyi ocherk” [Ostrog Orthodox School. Historical and Critical Essay], Kievskaia Starina 5 (1897): 177-207; 6 (1897): 363-388.

[61] Ivan Franko, Materiialy do istorii halytskoho ruskoho shkilnytstva v rr. 1801-1848 [Materials on the History of Galician Ruthenian Schooling in 1801-1848], in Materiialy do kulturnoi istorii Halytskoi Rusy XVIII i XIX viku [Materials on the Cultural History of Galician Rus’ in the 18th and 19th Centuries] (Lviv: Nakl. NTSh, 1902), 174-257.

[62] Bohdan Barvinskyi, “Predtecha universytetu im. Frantsa I u Lvovi (Krytychni zamitky do pytannia pro genezu Lvivskoho Universytetu)” [Forerunner of the Franz I University in Lviv (Critical Notes on the Genesis of Lviv University)], Zapysky Naukovoho Tovarystva imeny Shevchenka CXXV (1918): 1-41.

[63] Petro Kudriavtsev, “Do istorii osvity na Ukraini. Dva nevydani uryvky z avtobiohrafichnoi zapysky Or. M. Novytskoho” [To the History of Education in Ukraine. Two Unpublished Excerpts from an Or. M. Novytskyʼs Autobiographical Note], Zapysky Istorychno-Filolohichnoho Viddilu Ukrainskoi Akademii Nauk XIII-XIV (1927): 174-184.

[64] Ivan Fylypchak, “Uchytelska seminariia v Sambori (Istorychnyi narys)” [Teachers’ Seminary in Sambor (Historical Essay)], Shliakh vykhovannia i navchannia 1 (1938): 24-36; 2 (1938): 105-112; 3 (1938): 141-144; Ivan Fylypchak, Roman Lukan, “Okruzhna Holovna shkola v Lavrovi 1788/89-1910/11” [District Main School in Lavriv 1788/89-1910/11], Zapysky Chyna Sv. Vasyliia Velykoho V (1–4) (1932): 1-158.

[65] Stepan Siropolko, “Istoriia osvity na Ukraini” [History of Education in Ukraine], Shliakh Vykhovannia y Navchannia 2-3 (1937): 1-174.

[66] Tomaszewski, “Pogląd na rozwój Gimnazyum Brzeżańskiego,” 69.

[67] Stepan Golubev, Kievskyi mitropolit Petr Mogila i ego spodvizhniki (Opyt istoricheskago izsledovania) [Kyiv Metropolitan Peter Mohyla and His Associates (Experience of Historical Research)], vol. 1 (Kyiv: Tipohrafiia H. T. Korchak-Novytskago, 1883), 438.

[68] Ibid., 438-439.

[69] Ibid., 439.

[70] Vladislav Buzeskul, Shkolnoe delo u drevnikh grekov po novym dannym [Schooling Among the Ancient Greeks According to New Data] (Kharkiv: Izdatelstvo Soiuz, 1918), 18.

[71] Nikolai Makkaveiskyi, Pedagogika drevnikh ottsev i uchitelei tserkvi. Neskolko myslei o vospitaniiiz drevne-otecheskikh tvorenyi [Pedagogy of Ancient Fathers and Teachers of the Church. A Few Thoughts on Upbringing from Ancient Paternal Works] (Kyiv: Tipografyia P. Barskogo, 1897), 57.

[72] Idem, “Vospitanie u vetkhozavetnykh evreev” [Education of the Old Testament Jews], Trudy Kievskoi Dukhovnoi Akademii  5 (1901): 123.

[73] Ibid., 124.

[74] Ibid.

[75] Olha Vodolazhchenko, “Z istorii Kharkivskoho Kolehiumu v XVIII vitsi” [From the History of the Kharkiv Collegium in the Eighteenth Century], Naukovi Zapysky Naukovo-Doslidchoi Katedry Istorii Ukrainskoi Kultury 6 (1927): 117.