Siluete feminine în epoca șaguniană. Secvențe din discursul elitar și din realitatea parohială

1 February 2010

Corina Teodor

Frequently, historiography followed thoroughly provocations of the contemporaneous society; this way also explains the fact in which the feminist movement of the 70s aroused interest of some historical researches concerning the role of woman in the citadel, relations with power, family etc. This study proposed an overview of the Transylvanian XIXth century to follow how the masculine characters of ecclesiastic and public life understood the role of woman in the society. On one side, Şaguna’ s speech, expressed especially in his theologic works, and on the other side, George Bariţiu’s opinions, noticeable in the press of time, revealed differences between mentality of ecclesiastic and laic elite. For Şaguna woman represented a part of a social and religious order and her presence was associated mainly with norms prescribed to priests to accurately fulfil an initiatic route, from engagement to marriage, sometimes even in case of divorce. In exchange, Bariţiu’s pleading for education of girls, with the support of schools and family, was a real leitmotif. Finally, a comparison between these elite opinions and parochial life was able to demonstrate the turmoil and interogations of time, dilemas and neuroses of inhabitants, in a period when women’s voice was hardly heard, and their problems were indirectly exposed, either by the paroch’s pen or by that of one’s father or a related masculine authority.

history of woman; education; Şaguna; Bariţiu; paroch