Mähren und der Nonkonformismus. Die Toleranzfrage – eine religiöse, politische oder wirtschaftliche Frage?


Moravia is in the 16th Century as a land of tolerance. Manynon-conformists from all over Europe, especially from Italy, found inMoravia a new home and possible action, because various magnatesfrom political, economic, but also religiousreasons against a violent enforcement of restrictions on catholic renewal of Ferdinand I. presented.The paper presents the background, but also the limits of this “tolerance” identified and placed in a pan-European context. It can be stated that Moravia was, both from the religious and political view-point, divided, and the term “oasis of tolerance” is missed. In this contextthe question arises as to the suitability of the confessionalism concept for an area such as Moravia. A state political comparison with the other “land of tolerance“, with Transylvania, rounds off the paper.

Moravia, Non-conformism, Tolerance, Persecution, Transylvania, Confessionalism.