Plastica antropomorfă neolitică din Transilvania. Tradiţie şi inovaţie

Mihai Gligor

We include under this category anthropomorphic statues (Pl. I/2-3; Pl. II/1-2, 4-6), anthropomorphic protomes (Pl. I/1, 4) and anthropomorphic lids (Pl. I/5; Pl. II/3) from Alba Iulia-Lumea Nouă (Alba County) and Petreşti-Groapa Galbenă (Alba County), belonging to Vinča (Pl. I) and Foeni (Pl. II) cultures. The fragmentary state of the artefacts does not allow us to always precisely identify the gender of statues (Pl. I/1, 3, 5; Pl. II/1-3, 5). In some cases, the fragmentary state of the statues can be intentional (Pl. I/2; Pl. II/6). Usually, the decoration motifs which adorn the piece consist of sets parallel incised lines (Pl. I/3-4; Pl. II/6). A special category is represented by the so-called thessalic statues or by the statues with a mobile head (Pl. II/1-2).

plastic art, Neolithic, Transylvania, anthropomorphic statues, Alba Iulia-Lumea Nouă, Petreşti-Groapa Galbenă.