Din istoria bibliotecilor orădene. Biblioteca diecezană greco-catolică (1948-1950)
The history of the Romanian ecclesiastic institutions cannot be written without considering the history of the ecclesiastic libraries that, for centuries, represented the main source of enlightenment for the clerics who served the evangelic and the national ideal. The present study presents the Diocesan Library of theGreek Catholic Episcopacy of Oradea, kept until 1948 in the episcopal palace, with a history that is complicated enough, due to its division, during 1949-1950, between different institutions protected by the communist authorities. The first chapter presents a short history of its collections from the foundation of the Episcopacy (1777) till the years after the Second World War and the second one presents, with documentary annexes, the division of the library between the Ministry of Cults, Orthodox Episcopacy of Oradea and the Academy Library, Branch Cluj.
library, Greek-Catholic, Samuil Vulcan, Ioan Corneli, Communism, nationalization, Petru Groza.