Nicht ertragen (= tolerieren) sollen wir, sondern einander anerkennen und voneinander lernen. Worum es geht
Daily experience and epistemological pers Abstract: pectives prove the fact that nobody
obtains complete knowledge, if one bases exclusively on his/her own power of
knowledge. As to complete conclusions it is necessary interaction with other persons.
According to the New Testament, this thing is valid also, for our spiritual knowledge.
Yet, before Constantinople had become the centre of the Church, Church theology
acknowledged explicitly this, and Vatican IICouncil confirmed it again.
When Constantinople imposed the system of the State Church, the Christian
conviction concerning frailty of human nature was lost to a great extent. It was reached
to the inappropriate opinion that, what the state church might have elaborated would
be valid and a measure for the rest of the others. Only in the newer period was it begin
difficultly to be searched a justification for the so called “tolerance” for the other one.
But through it was only wished to be reached to a common “bearing”. Conviction of the
Old Church, that we would stimulate reciprocally, if we would recognize one another,
almost was lost unfortunately, due to “tolerance”.
Keywords: Church theology, Vatican II Council, state church, spiritual knowledge,