Aproapele de departe, străinul de aproape: între Iosif al II-lea ca pater familias și maghiari ca alteritate nocturnă. Teme iconografice într-o biserică transilvană din secolul al XVIII-lea

pp. 215-241
This study focuses on the iconography of Abstract the wooden church from TicuColonie, Cluj county. Beginning with distribution of scenes from the nave, painted by the Greek-Catholic priest Ursu Broină, at the end of the 18th century, we will attempt to reconstruct the patterns used by the artist to emphasize, by visual representations, a Romanian collective identity. There will be examined several iconographic sequences amongst which are also two compositions depicting Emperor Joseph II. Not being present explicitly at the level of visual discourse, Romanian identity is set indirectly within the religious speech from inside of the building, on one hand, by appeal to imperial authority as guarantee of a certain ethnic group, on the other hand, by reference to a negative alterity, constructed with elements of Hungarian clothing.
confession, identity, sacred, representat Keywords ion, clothing.