The term of life and the term of death as a two fundamental bioethical and thantological values
The right to live and the right to die are very important problem that need to
be considered from the bioethical view point (especially in the context of modern
medicine), and also a very interesting issue that can be considered from the thanatology
view point.
The human history and evolution up till’ now has developed a rather negative
attitude to death – it has been treaded as a suprime evil, synonym of nothingness. In
this context, as modern thanatology try’s emphasizing the link between life and death,
accenting the fact that death is an element of life on which we will sooner or later
inevitably run into, in bioethics life has been treated as the greatest gift and put on a
pedestal always trying, meanwhile death has been treated as inferior vague mystery.
The main aim of the paper is to investigate and present these two positions,
their points of view of the problem of life and death, their relations and discrepancy,
because they are the two key values in bioethics and thanatology in present.
bioethics, thanatology, life, death, ethics of the holliness of life, ethics of
quality of life.