Categories of death in Romanian rural world of the late 19th – early 20th century after parish registers in several villages from Mureş County
To understand the cultural meaning of death, criteria must set for
classification of different types of death. There are two major sources for decoding the
cultural categories of death: official documents, like testaments, parish registers and
burial customs, rarely recorded on writing but preserved in practice until today.
For Mureş County, the first secular writing on burial habits dated since early
nineteenth century, the famous medical work of Vasile Popp about Transylvanian
Romanian burial customs is almost contemporary with the first parish registers of the
dead in the Romanian villages. We want to unravel not only the cultural types of death,
according to parish registers, but their enrollment in either category. After written
sources there are two types of death: ordinary and unusual, but what is the
understanding of these categories? What influences have the circumstances of death on
the cultural understanding of death? It is not as important the numbers of the death
categories, as their components and the burial rites that must prevent or nullifying the
negative impact of some death. In this perspective the most important kind of death is
the “unusual death”, because it is more dangerous for living, but what the meaning of
the unusual death is and what additional rites should be done?
history of death, cultural death, church records, burial customs, folk