Ancient Egyptian burial patterns being repeated – mannerism or specific meaning of death

Agnieszka Kowalska, Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska
pp. 119-126
Napoleon’s expedition to Egypt brought to light much information on splendid ancient culture. Many representations and drawings were made based on Egyptian tombs originals and were showing the tombs themselves, the pyramids included. This started the so-called egyptomania, manifestations of which one can find especially in architecture, but also in some everyday used items. It was fascination with “culture of death” – as Egyptian civilisation happens to be named – what left its impress on the 18th, 19th and 20th century European funerary customs as well. Some monuments, however, were planned for the living, as e.g. the Giraffe-house in Antwerpen or the Carreras Tobacco Factory in London, but most were – as originally in Egypt – for the dead. Consequently, there appeared tomb monuments inspired by old Egyptian art or being its direct imitation as in case of the pyramids. Due to the inexactitude of the pictures brought from Egypt, the pyramids constructed in Europe resemble rather those of Meroe and not those of Giza. Moreover, the founders of the monuments hoped for natural mummification. Interestingly enough it did occurred from time to time. Fascination with pyramids still lasts and takes its harvest.
Egypt, culture of death, mannerism, mummification.