Comercianţii greci din Transilvania în surse statistice din prima jumătate a secolului al XVIII-lea

Daniel Dumitran

The systematic investigation of the economic and social evolutions in the preindustrial society and their implications in the cultural and spiritual spheres requires a new assessment of the primary sources. This conclusion was suggested especially by recent research of Romanian historiography into urban history, the environment which generated the defining transformations of the society in that age. Like Hungary, the principality of Transylvania became integrated into the network of trade routes connecting Central to South-Eastern Europe, and an important contribution in this process played the “Greek” merchants. For the government from Vienna, which favored their settlement within the Empire, controlling their number and the information about their situation became a priority. Among the statistical sources, lists and conscriptions compiled by the fiscal authorities during the first decades of the integration of Transylvania in the empire, one can reckon those edited and published now. These were discovered by the author in the Fiscal archive of Transylvania and The archive of Transylvania’s Government – Mixed conscriptions (Microfilm collection of the Hungarian National Archives), which were known heretofore only from a few bibliographical mentions.

commerce, Transylvania, Greeks, Imperial court from Vienna, conscriptions.