30 April 2024
Doi: https://doi.org/10.29302/auash.2023.27.1
Editor: Ileana Burnichioiu and Daniel Dumitran
Contents: View
Pushing Up Daisies. A Collective Burial at Alba Iulia-Lumea Nouă Eneolithic Site
Abstract HTMLIcons Depicting Sacred Sites in the North-Eastern Mediterranean: Exploring the Connections Between Landscape Painting, Pilgrimage, and Identity in the 17th to 19th Centuries
Abstract HTMLInsights into the Mineral Pigments (Cinnabar, Orpiment, and Lead- and Copper-Based Pigments) Employed in the Creation of Wooden Transylvanian Icons Dated Eighteenth to Early Nineteenth Centuries
Abstract HTML"Building Archaeology" with Laser Scanning: Geometry-Based Architectural Analysis of the Franciscan Church of Szeged-Alsóváros
Abstract HTMLPrimele investigații dendrocronologice extinse la bisericile de lemn din Sălaj (2018-2023)
Abstract HTMLThe Convent of Cluj-Mănăștur’s Archive Kept at the Batthyaneum Library (I)
Abstract HTMLDocumentation of Present Time in Slovakia’s Two Largest Museums During WWII
Abstract HTMLTexturi uitate – tencuieli istorice. Cercetare și studii practice pentru reparații și întreținere
Abstract HTMLRaluca-Maria Trifa, Arhitectura industrială istorică. Posibilități de recuperare sustenabilă. Cazul Timișoara (București: Editura ACS, 2023), 440 p.
PDF15 December 2024
Doi: https://doi.org/10.29302/auash.2024.28.1
Contents: View
30 April 2024
Doi: https://doi.org/10.29302/auash.2024.28.2
Editor: Dragoș Ursu
Contents: View
The Catholic Church in Hungary and Romania during the Communist Dictatorship: A Comparative Analysis
Abstract HTMLJohn Paul II and Opposition Activities in Soviet Bloc Countries
Abstract HTMLRelations Between the Soviet Union and the Vatican, According to Soviet Documents
Abstract HTMLBaptists from Romania and the Revolution of December 1989
Abstract HTMLThe Situation of Monastic Houses in Soviet Moldova
Abstract HTMLUDPR or “A Fictitious Reality”: The Lesser-Known Aspects of the History of the Union of Democratic Priests in Romania
Abstract HTMLThe Discourse of Repression. Narrativity and Semantics Inside the Securitate Files of the Burning Bush from Antim Monastery
Abstract HTMLLegal and Canonical Mechanisms for the Oppression of Orthodox Priests during the Communist Regime in Romania. Case Study: Father Arsenie Boca
Abstract HTMLThe Controversies of a Dramatic Biography. Bartolomeu Anania’s Mission to America in the Context of the Recalibration of State-Church Relations under Ceaușescu
Abstract HTMLThe Case of Sándor Joó. The Fate of A Pastor in the Light of State Security Documents
Abstract HTMLA Realist and a Prophet: The Role of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński during Communist Rule in Poland
Abstract HTMLCondemned by Communists as the “Vatican’s spy”: the Biography of Catholic Priest Ștefan Tătaru
Abstract HTML“The Desert of Spoken Words”: Conversations of Bishop Márton Áron Recorded by the Securitate in 1956–1980
Abstract HTMLFighting for Memory: Clergy Repressed by the Soviet Union in the Transmission of the Sybir Memorial Museum
Abstract HTMLChurch, Clergy and Religion in the Contemporary Polish Film Discourse in the Years 1968–1990
Abstract HTML