Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica


Issue I 2016 | Vol. 20

Corruption and Anticorruption in Historical Perspective (from the Middle Ages to Modern Age)

15 June 2016

Editor: Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu and Remus Câmpeanu

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Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu

Corupția și anticorupția medievală în istoriografia recentă / Medieval Corruption and Anticorruption in Recent Historiography

Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu

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Abuse of power, corruption, and anticorruption in the functioning of the road system of medieval Transylvania

Oana Toda

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Spiš-Visegrád-Dăbâca-Zagreb-Kalocsa-Napoli: Career paths of a family of the lower Hungarian Nobility in the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries

Peter Labanc

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Contra formam suae commissionis: Three examples of abuses by Venetian officers in Albania Veneta (early fifteenth century)

Nada Zečević

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Church Reform and Cardinals in Early Modern Italy: Suggestions from the Libellus ad Leonem X (1513) by Paolo Giustiniani and Pietro Querini

Fabrizio Conti

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The “manger” of the elites? The town council of Sibiu (ca. 1700-1750)

Sever Cristian Oancea

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The temptation of a better life: Customs, rules, and abuses in the Uniate Diocese of Făgăraș in the eitghteenth century

Greta-Monica Miron

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Câteva afaceri funciare pe cursul sinuos al Târnavei Mari în veacul al XVIII-lea / A Few Land Bargains along the Winding Flow of Târnava Mare River in the Eighteenth Century

Ela Cosma

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La datation du Barlaam français du Mont Athos (à propos d’un article recent)

Vladimir Agrigoroaei

Abstract HTML
Patrick Gilli, La pathologie du pouvoir: vices, crimes et délits des gouvernants; Brill, Leiden, 2015(Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu)

Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu

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