Cultural Interactions between the Coţofeni Culture and Surrounding Cultures in Oltenia During the Transition from the Eneolithic to the Bronze Age

Ion Tuțulescu

The end of the Coţofeni culture in northeast Oltenia and, implicitly, of the transition period to the metal age, is related to the distribution of some strong influences coming from the two great circles or cultural areas. Noticeable in the pottery repertoire, but also in terms of their spiritual origin, their source is found in the Kostolac, Vučedol and Iamnaia cultures. The vast resources of salt in this area were a vital element in the development of the human communities, as demonstrated by their setting near the brine springs. This article identifies the various stages of development among northeastern Oltenia populations, observing their coexistence in the area over a period of relative calm. It also explores how the evolution of the Coţofeni culture was interrupted by the entrance of Glina communities in the early Bronze Age period, and how elements of their ceramic decoration style were adopted.

pottery, tumulus, Coţofeni, Kostolac, Vučedol, Iamnaia.