Învăţământul confesional în Regatul Belgiei în secolele XIX-XX. Şcoli patronate de Biserica Romano-Catolică şi de Bisericile protestante. Studiu comparativ

pp. 323-334
Protestant churches in Belgium did not ha Abstract ve a normally well-organized secondary education. I refer to those schools which have emerged in organized, structured religious communities and not to private schools set up by various individuals or less representative groups. There are documents which show that during 19th-20th centuries there were only some primary schools. Protestant secondary school cycle only, known as “Marroniers” was founded in 1920 in the Methodist Church in Uccle. On 1 October 1795, the Netherlands and the Principality of Liège was annexed to the French Republic. From now on we can talk about a real influence on the French Belgian future state lands. Organic Law of Public Instruction every October 25, 1795 provides for a primary school in every canton. Teachers were selected and appointed by a jury being paid by the state department of money paid by students, all monitored by local government. Decree on January 26, 1798, to amend the law, the municipal government offered the right to inspect private schools. Under German rules, many Protestant churches who wanted to establish religious schools directly address King William I, the government, or ecclesiastical provincial Department of Limburg, which had authority over the provinces of southern Protestant churches. Most such requests have remained without any effect, such as the community of Ostend, which require setting up a school in 1816 claiming that “a teacher drew the children to Protestant Roman faith” (Catholic). King William I, reorganize, by decree of 16 April 1816, the reformed church the Kingdom of the Down: A total of 20 churches, with an additional 10 who served garrison. The period from 1850 to 1878 is defined by certain privileges granted to the clergy (Catholic in particular) and by the limitation of state intervention in the school issue. As a result of liberal government, the law of June 1, 1850 created the state secondary education: 10 Athenaeum and a maximum of 50 secondary schools for boys. Do not mention anything about secondary schools for girls. Law also granted the right of every province and municipalities to open their own school. In villages where there was a special office for schools, they could work in monasteries under the patronage of the clergy. Article 8 of law mentioned above which provide that secondary education to include religious education under the supervision of the Minister of Religious Affairs. The law does not stipulate monitoring of teaching by the bishops, which created a rift between the government and the papacy. This was remedied in part, several years later, Anvers Convention of 5 April 1854, which recognized religion classes as an essential part of the curriculum. Catholic religion was the only subject taught by priests and bishops appointed by the king recognized. Non-Catholic students were excluded from such courses. Establishment of new schools for both boys and girls put clergy in a delicate situation. Religious education initiative was for local authorities. To work in schools, the clergy had to guarantee the effectiveness of their action. Belgian religious education issue during that period must be considered under several aspects: the relationship of state-religion cults, French domination, religious law under German domination, relations between Catholics and Protestants.
religion, tolerance, school, Catholic, Pr Keywords otestant.